Monday, 5 August 2013

Why blogging?

Having a successful blog is not an easy job that anyone can achieve.

As a beginner blogger, I established, in my mind, an approach to follow to be a good blogger. However, no blogging strategy is necessarily better than another because anything can work if we just stick to it.

Before blogging, I believe I should conduct research so I provide readers with a concise easy-to-consume version of any topic.

I intended to share topics in my speciality field which is Information Systems as well as some interesting daily events that might help the community. As Rebecca Gill, WordPress Addict and Technomommy, claimed “I'm a firm believer that real life makes the best blog posts”. For instance, examples from my personal experience might interest others, or answer questions others are looking to figure out.

Providing readers with credible information and staying up to date in hot topics is another way to create very useful content as well as a wide range of readers. Monitoring social media discussions such as hashtags in Twitter will be a good repository for useful updated content to be shared with others.

Another strategy I would really like to follow is to write less but more of a higher quality. If someone publishes on a daily basis, they eventually run out of interesting topics. As a first time blogger, I will post different topics related to Enterprise 2.0 on a weekly basis. I will also include other multimedia tools such as pictures, audio and video in addition to text to provide readers with new content.

A good approach is also to communicate with others by adding comments in others’ blogs and add an element of social interaction. After gaining attention, I will make sure I proceed with higher value content to retain my followers and turn one time readers into subscribers. Even though measuring blogging success is different from measuring marketing campaign success, the number of subscribers and comments indicate the success of some blogs.
One of the most interesting blogs I really recommend is Cloud Computing blog which concerns many strategic viewpoints on cloud computing and social media. It is owned by Chirag Mehta, a SAP employee who analyses startups and shares insightful wisdom on how cloud services impact IT.
Do you think these strategies are enough for having a good blog?


  1. Hi Maram,
    Interesting strategies. Good start and all the best.

  2. hey Maram,
    Good blogging tips and nice image in the end to sum things up! Are you interested in cloud computing too!? My work involves in documenting for cloud products. Thanks for sharing that blog with me!

    1. Hi Julie,
      Yes Cloud computing is one of the interesting topics for me.
      Sounds good.

  3. Good work on the blog! That image is a good summary of what makes a good blog. Sounds like you have a good strategy going, will you use Facbook and Twitter as platforms to promote your blog to new readers?

  4. Thanks for your comment.
    Regarding your question, I'm planning to use both of them :)

  5. Hello Maram,
    Nice work. I think the strategies are well thought out. i like blogs because it shows how the blogger is passionate about sharing knowledge. If you like to read new articles about technology and science, check out this blog

    1. This blog looks interesting .. I'm looking for useful blogs.
      Thanks Lubna.
